Estimate What I Owe

2025-2026 Academic Year

Once you have received your financial aid offer from the University of Richmond, the below tool can be used to assist you with estimating what you may owe after financial aid has been applied. This tool only provides an estimate of what you may owe. The actual amount owed could vary due to such things as deposits paid, loan fees, parking sticker fee, parking tickets, etc.

This calculator will not work for students who are only attending for one term or studying abroad for a semester.

2025-26 Academic Year Tuition
Select your meal plan from the list

Meal plan participation is required as part of the residence hall housing agreement. For more information on meal plan options, visit the Dining Services and University Finance websites. 

Select your housing from the list

The University of Richmond has numerous housing options.  For more information on housing costs and how to sign up for housing, visit the Residence Life and Housing website.

Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)

The University of Richmond requires undergraduate students to purchase the SHIP while enrolled at the University to ensure that an unexpected illness or accident does not hinder student wellness or academic success. Students who already have health insurance and meet certain requirements may be granted a waiver. Visit the Student Health Insurance website for specific information for domestic or international students**.

These rates are an estimate based on 2024-2025 charges. This information will be updated once actual charges are available.

Enter your scholarship and loan aid

Enter the total grant and scholarship amount (enter the amount without a dollar sign or comma) included in your financial aid offer. Do not include a Self-Reported Scholarship if one appears in your offer letter. If you wish to borrow loans, you will want to also include the loan amounts in this figure. Do not include Federal Work Study funds listed in your award letter as these do not pay directly toward your charges but are monies available to earn through work.

2024 Fall
2025 Spring
Estimated Amount
I Owe*:

*Negative amounts signify a credit balance which could result in a refund.

This tool is an estimate and your charges may vary. Actual invoices are sent by Student Accounts at a later date. Please note that deposits are typically applied to the fall bill only, so fall and spring balances may not be equal.

There are other resources available to assist you with your educational expenses. These include a federal loan for parents, private loans, and an installment plan.

**International students: A taxation charge may be added to your account. The amount of this taxation charge is determined based on the qualified and unqualified expenses as defined by the United States’ Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Qualified expenses are deemed necessary or required expenses, i.e. tuition and health insurance. Any scholarship or aid that goes above tuition and health insurance is considered non-qualified and is taxed at 14%. That tax is then added to the student's account and you will be billed for it. This process is done each semester.