School of Professional & Continuing Studies Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of educational expenses for the nine-month school year that is used to determine eligibility for financial aid. The COA includes tuition (based on the number of credits for which the student enrolls) as well as an estimate of costs for other educationally related expenses. As an example, the 2025-26 COA for an SPCS student enrolled in six credits each term and residing off campus is as follows:

  Undergraduate       Graduate
Tuition $7,176 $9,000
Total Direct Costs             $7,176             $9,000
Housing and food $17,550 $17,550
Books and supplies $480 $400
Personal expenses $1,540 $1,540
Transportation $3,680 $3,680
Direct Loan fees, if applicable $70 $180
Total Estimated Indirect Costs             $23,320            $23,350
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance             $30,496            $32,350


  • Tuition, per credit hour, for the 2025-26 academic year is $598 for undergraduate SPCS students and $750 for graduate SPCS students. The COA estimate for tuition will vary depending on the number of classes or credits in which the student is enrolled.
  • The COA estimates the cost for books and supplies at $120 per course for undergraduate students and $100 per course for graduate students.
  • The COA estimate for housing and food will vary depending on whether the student lives off-campus or with parents. Housing and food for students who live with parents is $6,300.
  • Financial aid received by a student, from all sources, cannot exceed the COA.