Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How do I apply for merit scholarships?

    The law school considers all applicants for merit scholarships. Awards are based on undergraduate academic achievement and aptitude for the study of law. A separate application form is not required.

  • How do I apply for loans?

    Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We recommend that prospective students file this form by February 25. Current students should file by May 15; current students who will attend summer session should file by March 1.

    The Office of Financial Aid will review your FAFSA application and offer eligible loan amounts. An offer notification will be sent electronically advising you of your loan eligibility. Then you will need to log into your BannerWeb account to accept or decline all or a portion of your offered loans. For more detailed information, visit our loans page.

  • How much financial aid can I get?

    The total of all aid, including scholarships and loans, cannot exceed the Cost of Attendance as established by the Office of Financial Aid.

  • Do I have to re-apply for financial aid every year?

    Yes, you must re-submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

    Scholarships awarded when a student enters the first year of law school will continue in the student’s second and third year for the amount originally awarded, provided the student is in good standing and meets the standards on Satisfactory Academic Progress.

  • How will I receive my financial aid?

    All financial aid except Federal Work Study is credited directly to the student’s account, at the beginning of the term, once the student has submitted all required forms and met all requirements for the aid. Aid for the academic year is split evenly between fall and spring terms. If the amount of financial aid exceeds your billable charges at Richmond, then you are eligible for a refund. The Student Accounts Office will automatically generate a refund for a credit balance caused by Federal financial aid within fourteen days of the actual disbursement date. Any other credit balances will remain on your account unless you request a refund from the Student Accounts Office.

    Federal Work Study funds are paid in a bi-weekly pay check. The actual amount earned is based on the number of hours worked and the wage rate for the job.

  • When will I receive my financial aid?

    For the 2024–25 academic year, funds will disburse to the student’s account in August 21, 2024 for the fall semester and January 8, 2025 for the spring semester.

    Disbursement dates for summer sessions are set for the first day of the start of the earliest summer session in which you enroll. Disbursement dates for study abroad programs are set for 10 days prior to the first day of classes for each program.

    The Student Accounts Office will automatically generate a refund for a credit balance caused by federal financial aid within 14 days of the actual disbursement date. Any other credit balances will remain on your account unless you request a refund.

  • Is financial aid available for summer term?

    Yes. Federal Direct Loans are available for summer term if you enroll for three or more credit hours. The amount borrowed for summer will reduce the amount of Federal Direct Loan available to you for the fall and spring terms. If you plan to enroll for summer term, you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit the Summer Federal Direct Loan Application at least six weeks before the beginning of summer enrollment.

  • I have to buy a laptop to meet the Law School Laptop Computer requirement. Can I get financial aid to help meet this expense?

    You may be able to borrow loans to help with this expense. For more information, click refer to the Cost of Attendance Increase for Computer Purchase form.

  • How to accept or decline your Federal Direct loans?

    Please visit our Federal Direct Loan page for directions about how to accept or decline the Federal Direct loans you have been offered.

  • What happens to my financial aid if I withdraw?

    Students who drop below half time or withdraw should visit the University Finance’s website to learn about federal and university withdrawal policies.

  • Can I get additional aid to pay for the University health insurance plan?

    Full-time undergraduate students who are receiving need-based financial aid from the University of Richmond may qualify for additional funding for health insurance. These students should have maximized their use of Federal Direct Student Loans and have no other options for health insurance coverage. Students meeting these requirements may submit a petition to the Office of Financial Aid to be considered for additional University financial assistance to pay for health insurance. Other students, to include those who have not maximized their Federal Direct Student Loans, law, graduate, and part-time students, may qualify for additional student loans to pay for health insurance. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to submit an appeal or discuss your loan options at or (804) 289-8438. Appeals should include an explanation of why you need additional funding and the reason you are not covered by another plan.

  • I was selected for Verification. What do I do?

    If you are selected for Verification, the Office of Financial Aid will contact you to request additional documentation that supports the information reported on the FAFSA form. If you are selected, do not be alarmed. It does not necessarily mean you have done anything incorrectly. Every year, the Department of Education picks a portion of financial aid applications to go through the Verification process. If you are selected, you will receive a Verification form. Please read and complete the form as thoroughly and accurately as possible and provide all of the requested documentation in a timely manner in order to prevent the delay or cancellation of your financial aid. Additional information on Verification and detailed instructions can be found on our Federal Verification page and on the Verification form.